Real Property Management West San Fernando Valley

Fall Maintenance – Tenants

Fall is upon us, which means it’s time to prepare for a change in the weather and do some routine care to make sure your rental home stays in good condition. Please take a few minutes for these important resident responsibilities before colder weather comes. First, take these 5 steps to check for any SAFETY hazards

  • Start with a check for anything that may cause ACCIDENTS: loose handrails, lifting or buckling carpet, or any other accident waiting to happen.
  • Check for ELECTRICAL hazards and verify that no outlets feel warm to the touch.
  • Inspect fire EXTINGUISHERS to ensure they are fully charged
  • Check smoke, carbon monoxide and security ALARMS and replace batteries.
  • Finally, LOCATE gas and water shut-off valves and review household EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.

Next, spend a few minutes INSIDE on these 5 seasonal MAINTENANCE items.

  • FILTERS & VENTS First, clean or replace air conditioning, heating, and range hood filters, then vacuum heat registers, intakes, vents, fans, radiators and under appliances to prevent fire hazards and keep air healthy. Furnace filters should be changed monthly throughout the winter.
  • DOORS & WINDOWS Next, ensure all doors to the outside shut tightly, and check other doors and windows for ease of use. Lubricate door hinges and tighten screws as needed.
  • FLOORS Deep clean carpets and rugs.
    • Clean traps and drains in the dishwasher, sinks, bath tubs and showers.
    • Check all faucets for signs of dripping, and change washers as needed
    • Grind ice cubes in the garbage disposal to clean the blades, then flush with hot water and baking soda.
    • If you have a plumbing fixture that is not used frequently, such as a laundry tub or spare bathroom sink, tub or shower stall, run some water briefly to keep water in the trap.
  • Finally, step OUTSIDE to tidy up, clear debris, and store outdoor hoses and similar items.

If you come across any safety issues or needed repairs during your spring maintenance, please submit a ticket to the maintenance department. Thank you for taking time to conduct fall maintenance and take care of your rental property. We value you as a Real Property Management Resident and want you to enjoy a safe, clean and well-maintained home Put our experienced team and proven process to work for you. Call Real Property Management West San Fernando Valley at 818.727.0100 today!