Real Property Management West San Fernando Valley

Has Your Northridge Rental Property Been the Victim of Vandalism?

There are many steps you can take to protect Northridge investment properties from vandalism. Even with the best prevention practices you are still not guaranteed that you will not become a victim. With roughly 15% of homes targeted by vandals each year, it is likely that one or more of your rental homes may eventually be hit.

When vandalism is discovered, it’s easy to have a sense of violation and frustration overcome you as you work with the police, your insurance company, work on making repairs, and try to provide reassurance to an equally upset tenant. Knowing what to do when a vandal strikes can help to restore your confidence and make navigating the whole process of recovery that much easier.

The second that vandalism is discovered, it is important to contact the local authorities and file a police report. Your tenants may take it upon themselves to make the needed phone call or may tell you and believe you to form the report. However, being the Northridge property owner you should communicate with the investigating police officers and make sure that all property damage is documented in a fitting announcement. You will also want to keep documentation for yourself and your insurance company. Taking photos of the damage is a great way to do this. If you are unable to go to the property yourself right away, you can have your tenant or your property management company handles the documentation.

Collaborating with your insurance company is an important step in the process of handling repairs. The will need to be involved as soon as the damage occurs. A great preparation measure is to make sure that your landlord insurance policy helps to cover damages. If not, you may have to pay for the repairs yourself. When it comes to fixing the damage caused by the vandal, you will be fully responsible to take care of it, unless your renter or one of their guests was the cause of the vandalism.

And lastly, vandalism can cause fear in a tenant, it can leave behind not only physical damage to the property but it can also create a lasting feeling of fear and anxiety. Their sense of security has been violated and they are going to need reassurance that you will be handling everything. They are also going to need to see some visible evidence that you or the property management company are working hard to fix both the rental property and their sense of safety inside.

At Real Property Management West San Fernando Valley, one of our primary concerns is making sure that both your tenant and your rental property are safe and sound from vandalism and other avoidable mutilation. But if vandals do make a mess, we will handle the whole documentation process and recovery plan and make sure that your property is restored right away. Would you like to learn more? Please contact us online or call us at 818-727-0100 for details.